We traveled a lot in the USA and Europe and camped regularly during these trips with Spike all through his life. We were young, Amazon did not exist, Spike was well trained and responsive to voice commands (unless there was a squirrel or horse in the vicinity), and the thought

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We have never thought much about pee pads for dogs in all the years we have been dog owners and have traveled extensively with our dogs. Somehow, with a bit of luck and training on both our parts and a very well-used dog door at home – our dogs have

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We walk our dogs. We always have and our dogs have come to expect it. There are some days we really don’t feel like doing it, we’re tired, annoyed, done with the world – but those are the days we need it most. And whether we hear the crackle of

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Humorist Dave Barry got it right when he said: Dogs love to go for rides. A dog will happily get into any vehicle going anywhere.Seat covers for pets as well as boosters and seat belts are the norm for riding in cars with dogs. And dare I say cats too.

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There are so many pet beds out there that cater for every conceivable need - large dogs, small dogs, old dogs, nervous dogs - you name it, there is a pet bed for your dog! Best travel beds - do we really need one?That is also a matter of your

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