Pet Travel Planning and Safety

Some of our best traveling experiences with Spike were camping trips. His recollection would probably not have been the same though.  As much as we loved pitching a tent, relaxing around a dancing fire, listening to the wind whistling through the Pines .... Spike would, at some point relatively early

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I like to walk the dogs. I like to walk these days for exercise – both mine and the dogs’ – but back in the day I ran. And Spike ran too, until he got too old. Dogs are great running companions when they realize the objective of the outing

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Sometimes it just has to be done.  It’s not fun for anyone, not the dog sitting in the crate in the cargo hold or under the seat in front of you, and not for you thinking about the dog sitting in the crate in the cargo hold. But it can

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Many hotels allow dogs, but of course, some don’t – and chances are you will always run into the “don’ts” when it’s late and you’re tired and you have not planned ahead. There is magic in wildly embracing spontaneous travel- but it’s not advisable when Dog is the co-pilot.  Planning

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On our frequent walks in the woods, our dogs make a beeline for the easily accessible sections of the river that runs through it. Whether it’s to cool down on a hot day, hydrate quickly after a long walk, or just for the pure pleasure of it regardless of the

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Most owners of small dogs have wondered from time to time: can a raptor pick up my dog?  Our dogs have always been medium to large size and rather substantial, if you catch my drift. We never pondered the question of a hawk swooping in and grabbing one of them

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The dog is missing: Someone left the door open, he jumped the fence, dug under the gate, leaped out of a window ……….. He’s gone! When you are traveling with your dog this scenario is even more scary because there is no way he is just exploring the neighborhood and

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