Most owners of small dogs have wondered from time to time: can a raptor pick up my dog?  Our dogs have always been medium to large size and rather substantial, if you catch my drift. We never pondered the question of a hawk swooping in and grabbing one of them until we adopted an old blind and deaf Maltese from a senior rescue where it was 4lb and wasting away.


Red-Tailed Hawk

The word “raptor” comes from the Latin word “rapere,” which means to seize or plunder.  Raptors are Birds of Prey that have some distinct characteristics – they have a curved beak and talons, and they are also carnivores. They also have exceptionally good vision.  Examples of Raptors are: eagles, hawks, falcons, kites, Northern Harrier, and Osprey. Only owls are nocturnal raptors, the others above hunt during the day (diurnal).

Raptor Food

Raptors are carnivores which means they eat meat. Raptors typically eat small mammals like mice or other rodents, but also reptiles like snakes or lizards, as well as birds. Birds of Prey are Apex Predators which means they sit at the top of the food chain.

How Much Can a Raptor Pick Up?

Typically a Bird of Prey cannot pick up and carry anything that weighs more than their body weight.

Hawks can carry prey that weighs about half their weight. Eagles can carry pretty that weighs about 1/3 of their body weight.  But owls can carry prey that weighs as much as two to three times their body weight.

Red-tail Hawks weigh about 2lb and Great Horned Owls weigh about 3lb – so chances are that it would be a very rare or desperate raptor out there that would try to pick up a small dog.

An Ospreys is a larger Bird of Prey, weighing in around 3 to 4 lb – but 99% of its diet is fish.

Great Horned Owl


In spite of the stories that circulate every now and again, it is very rare that your small dog would be carried away by a raptor. Birds of Prey that soar around the skies above the average backyard are generally just not big enough. It is not beyond the realm of possibility that they may try though and your small dog could be injured in the process.

If you notice a large Hawk in the neighborhood (Red-Tail Hawks are the most common Hawk specie) it is a good idea to accompany your dog outside or have it hang out under a covered deck – but an attack by a Hawk would be very rare. The greatest chance you have for an attack on a small dog would be at night by a Great Horned Owl.

As Apex Predators, if you see Birds of Prey flying around your area, be encouraged as their presence typically means you are living in a healthy ecosystem. And remember too, Birds of Prey are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and it is illegal to injure, capture, or kill any raptor, or to disturb its nest or offspring.

If you are particularly nervous and not completely convinced that the danger to your small dog is quite minimal, or you just want peace of mind you can buy a Raptor Shield Puncture Resistant Pet Vest for small dogs that provides talon-proof protection against attacks by Birds of Prey.