Hood River is a vibey place, more bo-ho chic than hippie but definitely laid back and totally cool.

Hood river, oregon
The Columbia River Gorge is a windsurfing Mecca.

The town of Hood River on the Columbia River Gorge is full of eclectic art and food and cottage industry shops and then there is the windsurfing …… a Mecca in the Cascade mountains on the Oregon / Washington border to which pilgrimages are made to these windy waters by windsurfing and kiteboarding enthusiasts around the globe.

Hood River has many lodging options and there are numerous campgrounds scattered along the Gorge. We have always camped at Memaloose State Park and it was always peaceful and happy and delightful to wake with the wind whispering through the Pines.

Camping Hood River
Camping at Memaloose on the Columbia River Gorge

It’s not just the windsurfing of course – there are hikes under the towering awesomeness that is Mount Hood on the Oregon side and Mount Adams on the Washington side and beautiful trails through rolling farmlands and meadows. Truly God’s country.

But if you are a windsurfer, or a windsurfer’s dog, you’ve come home !

travel with the dog to oregon
Hiking in the Oregon wilderness below Mount Hood.
hood river windsurfing
Waiting for Wind

Atmospheric pressure differentials east and west of the Cascades Mountains creates a wind tunnel effect in the Columbia Gorge and in the spring through Fall windsurfer’s, kiteboarders, and barges vie for dominance on the waters.

A typical central Oregon scene. Mount Hood in the background.

Oregon is a state of many contrasts and is a nature lover’s paradise from a startling coastline, through the high desert to the mountains and bordered to the north by the Columbia River which has a rhythm and pulse of its own and once you’ve visited you long to return time after time.

Hood river, columbia river gorge
No better place to be after a day on the water.

Thoughts and Things

You may not be a windsurfer, it doesn’t matter – there is plenty to see and do in this part of the world. The Columbia River Gorge – An Explorer’s Guide is a comprehensive guide to wonderful hikes, sights, shopping, and adventures.

For the windsurfer or kiteboarder, Hood River has it all – whatever windsurfing gear you may need – you will find and more. And for the windsurfer’s dog – they’re already living the dream.