The Rhine River is one of Europe’s most important and beautiful rivers. It flows from the Swiss Alps to the Netherlands and the North Sea. The Rhine River Valley, the area between Koblenz and Bingen, is a beautiful sight with its castles and vineyards and has been designated a World Heritage Site.
The Romans made the first settlements along the river followed by Frankish villagers, often adjacent to a fortified noble house. The valley has always been prosperous and nowhere else in the world are castles found in such abundance.
Above the town of Braubach (that dates back to 1276) and boasts the wonderfully comfortable Hotel Zum Weissen Schwanen, is the Marksburg Castle. It was built in 1150 by the nobles of Braubach.
Because of the strategic positioning of the castle, it cannot be attacked from the Rhine River side or the back and has warded off the fate that befell all the other Rhine castles: conquest and destruction.

Ships and barges sail the Rhine River constantly and always have despite the danger of reefs, rapids, and pirates. Traveling merchants were in constant danger of attack by gangs of robbers. When the many castles were built it became safer to travel by road but not cheap because the castle owners expected payment in return for protection. There were many conflicts and many castle owners were called robber-barons. With the improvement of firearms in the 16th century, the castles became less significant. Many fell into decay because noblemen went to live in more comfortable palaces in the valley. Others fell victim to the armies of Louis XIV and Napoleon. The only medieval castle left standing is the Marksburg.